ux | work | life matters

Day 9 | One in 45 million

This morning when I turned on BBC breakfast, they were talking about the just under £60 million jackpot that, after 14 consecutive rollovers has to go tonight.

The chance of hitting the jackpot and getting all the six numbers right is one in 45 million. On the BBC breakfast show they had a statistician in to talk about the odds of winning it and according to her you’re more likely to:

  • * be struck by lightning – about one in 300,000 (over the course of a year)
  • * die in a plane crash – about one in 3.5m
  • * have triplets – about one in 8,000
  • * have quadruplets – about one in 800,000
  • * give birth to identical quadruplets – about one in 11 million
    – from BBC News

Yet, despite the minute chance, she herself had bought a ticket and so have I (one for kitty, one for D and one for myself).

Logic tells us that we may not be likely to win, but someone will and that someone could be us. It’s a bit the same with startup life. Chances of making it big may not be great, but someone will and you have to be crasy enough to try. As the strap line for Triss, a Swedish scratch card, goes “Plötsligt händer det” (‘Suddenly it happens’).

Here’s to fingers crossed!

Image via Flickr user Magnus D

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