ux | work | life matters

Day 333 | Flexibility is a two way thing

I write a lot about flexibility and finding a work setup that means that life is balanced and makes you as happy and productive as can be. But it’s not just about the setup working for me. It’s also about the companies that I work with.

I finished with the BBC the other day and was initially told that I was only needed until Tuesday next week at this other contract. I suspected it might not be the case but still, I was looking forward to having most of December off. Yesterday it became clear that the project I’m working on will need me post Tuesday. Probably for the first half of December solidly.

I could, as I wrote about the other day, treat myself as a proper employee of my own company and of byflock and say that I have other things booked in. I do, but they can move. It’s not critical that I take most of December off right now. In fact with a few surveys that we’ll be running with byflock it’s probably better if my time off is after the surveys are done and so shifting my time off until early January is not a bad thing. But the point is that as much as I’m about having a flexible work setup, that is something that has to work both ways. I wouldn’t dream of, under the current circumstances, to say to my current workplace that I can’t work post Tuesday. Had we been at a critical stage with byflock I would but as for now I’ve started something at the place I now work and I’m seeing it through. I might however need a day or two, depending on how long I’m needed for, where I can work from home. I did after all plan on getting a few things sorted before Christmas like having the builders come over and getting that dentist appointment in. Things I’v pushed off for a long while and which can only be done during work hours.

Tomorrow – Day 334 | Looking ahead

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/7933170@N03/1098813767

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