ux | work | life matters

Day 313 | Tackling guilt & explaining your priorities

Everyone has different values and goals they want to achieve in life. But explaining them, and what’s required, to loved ones can at times be tricky. Particularly if it for a unknown period of time involves giving up on certain things in order to make it happen.

That thing that’s required to make it happen is hard work and not everyone looks favourably on working long hours. Or that you want and have to work a little when you’re “supposed” to be off. People will always have an opinion about what you do and at times such opinions can hit a nerve when put into a different context and make you feel incredibly guilty. But guilt isn’t good and it’s not a feeling we should be carrying around. We can only ever do so much in life and only ever be in one place at a time. The thing we can do better is explain, listen, manage expectations and provide as much reassurance as we can.

Working on your own company is no small undertaking but it doesn’t have to mean that it will be the only thing you do for years to come. Whilst there are no guarantees there is a lot that can be done to ensure it doesn’t impact loved ones in a negative way and if does make people worried, the best thing we can do is try to address it. But never feel guilty if you’ve done all you can and you keep on doing it. Nothing good comes out of that for either party.

Tomorrow – Day 314 | Edit, edit, edit, delete

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/nickbrokalakis/5288287952

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