ux | work | life matters

Day 306 | Hello Sweden

I’ve just arrived in Sweden and am here for the long weekend. Last night I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it over tonight. Then it looked up and then things took another turn.

Kitty had another incident late on Wednesday evening. She’s is still on medication and should, if they are working, effectively not have another seizure. But she did. It wasn’t as bad as the previous ones, probably as the medicin is taking the edge of it, but it was the same kind of symptoms and it’s clear that something is going on.
Kitty is our little baby and I absolutely love her to bits. I’d put her health over any trip and I wouldn’t hesitate a second to cancel my trip should she have a vet appointment or get worse. Luckily we managed to film part of her seizure on Wednesday evening and took it into the vet early this morning who immediately asked if we have insurance and then went on to say that she needs to see a specialist, more precisely a neurologist. The vet and the specialist clinic were great and got us an appointment first thing on Monday morning. With that in mind D and I discussed it and agreed that I’d go to Sweden, fly back if things change but otherwise return as planned on Sunday evening. The specialist clinic is up in Bedfordshire so I had to let work know that I can’t come in on Monday. We dont’ know whether the consultation will be enough or if they’ll want to keep her and run more tests so, as I wrote about yesterday, everything is a bit up in the air. But, I could still go to Sweden as planned.

As I’ve mentioned before we live close to Heathrow. It’s just under 20 minutes on the tube to Terminal 5 and I normally leave so that I have just under an hour at the airport. That leaves me with 15 minutes before the gate opens and gives me plenty of time. I did the same today. Everything was running smoothly until we were just outside of the terminal 5. Then we stopped inside the tunnel apparently waiting for a red signal. But it wasn’t a red signal. It was a drunk that had got into the train on the platform at T5 and refused to get off. To cut a long story short for what ever reason it took them over 20 minutes to get him out of the train and off the platform during which we were stuck on the tube inside the tunnel. As we finally got out I had just 35 mins until my plane left. Normally the flights I take depart from a gate at T5 that requires taking a train and having been here before when I’d forgotten my bag on the platform I knew that train could take some time to arrive and that it was potentially cutting it a bit tight. Luckily there were no people in security and the gate was just around the corner and I made it safely there just as the flight was boarding.

Though I’m not one that like to plan the worse case scenario too much (I believe it diverses your attention and focuses you on the wrong thing), having some wriggle room and the ability to change things on short notice with a backup plan, should something happen, is a really good idea. As much as we plan things we can’t control everything or guarantee certain outcomes. Though we still need to plan for what we want to happen we have to be realistic and acknowledge that things might take a different turn or just end up being slightly different from what we had in mind. And as long as we know that’s a possibility and adjust accordingly that’s all fine. It’s when we don’t that a drunk on a train can leave us standing there making us miss our flight.

Tomorrow – Day 307 | The story of the perfect but useless litter tray

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/sigfridlundberg/6271414863/in/photostream

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