ux | work | life matters

Day 304 | To laugh and laugh some more

There is nothing so contagious than the sound of and seeing someone laugh. The child who giggles and giggle as their parents play with them. Or the joke that has everyone bending over laughing with tears.

Today has been one of those days when I’ve laughed a lot and going to the tube this evening I felt the difference on the inside. There was an added sense of satisfaction and happiness as well as feeling a bit more relaxed than normal. We all know the old saying:

Laughter is the best medicine

Or as we say in Swedish

Ett gott skratt förlänger livet

(A good laugh prolongs life) and as we know there is much truth in that. Laughter releases endorphines, widens our blood vessels and can help reduce stress hormones as well as have a positive effect on the immune system. As we grow up life by nature becomes a little bit more serious and though I definitely have a serious side to me, my silly and cheeky side grows in prominence the happier and more satisfied I am. Today was one of those days and as my old colleague tweeted earlier this morning…

Tomorrow – Day 305 | An understanding workplace

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/nosha/3599597595

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