ux | work | life matters

Day 299 | Some me time

I’m not a very big drinker and it’s very seldom that I have a glass of wine with dinner when I come home from work. But tonight I wanted one and boy did it taste good.

I’ve slept really poorly all of this week. Delayed jetlag, or something else, I don’t know but I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep. And last week over in Dublin I didn’t get a lot of sleep either. Nor the week before when we were in New York and caught the night flight home, leaving me with less than 48 hours in London before my stupidly early morning flight to Dublin (my own fault). In other words I’m feeling a little beat.
D is out tonight and to make the most of my evening I heated up what was left of our Monty’s take away from from last night (which I actually brought to work for lunch and then back home – don’t ask). I put on my PJ bottoms, turned on How I met your mother and poured myself a glass of wine, and then topped it up.

And this will be it for my post tonight. The rest is going to be me doing nothing but paint my nails and watch TV.

Tomorrow – Day 300 | 66 days to go

Image: Pyjama bottoms, wine & How I met your mother on TV

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