ux | work | life matters

Day 264 | Trusting your gut feeling

Sometimes our desire for something to be right overpowers and slightly skews our views, making us believe that what we hope to be true is the reality. But if we look closer and are honest with ourselves we often know when that isn’t the case and the bubble is about to burst.

The more I get into this and read about the experience of other startups, the more common the story seem to be of one co-founder wanting it more than the other. What started out as a fun idea becomes an exciting reality to one party and a big question mark to the other. Just as in a relationship it can be tricky to know what to do in those situations. We want something to work so much that we persist at it ignoring the little alarm bells that go off. But in the long run those things seldom last. If something isn’t right then eventually it’s going to come out and in most cases the sooner the better for all parties.

When it comes to the bigger decisions in life we have a responsibility against ourselves and each other to be honest. To listen to our gut feeling and speak up if we think we might be overpowering someone with our wish for something to be true, or if we feel we’re being taken down a path we don’t want to go. The longer we wait the harder it becomes and the more damage or hurt we may inflict on someone else. Most of the time, if we really listen, our gut feeling is there telling us which road that is the right one and which road that might not be the exact right road for us, at least not right now. And when we hear the gut feeling warning us then it’s time to speak up. It may not be the easiest or most comfortable situation but it’s definitely not going to get easier over time. And when it comes to business and running a company with someone, you need to make sure that you not only can have those uncomfortable conversations but also that you actually have them. It will save you from a lot in the future and also set you up for the best possible start and with the clearest possible goal for your company.

Tomorrow – Day 265 | Approaching 100 days left of 2012

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/unconstructive_bry/1182601984

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