ux | work | life matters

Day 247 | byflock and only byflock

Today I’ve spent pretty much the whole day on byflock and one of our products. I’ve been prototyping and iterating and coming out of it I feel really excited about what it is we’re working on and towards.

We started byflock out of a drive and wish to work with people who are just as passionate as we are about what we do. People whom we work really well with and who we have fun with. People who want to challenge what is already out there. Who don’t settle for ok but are honest and keep pushing to make something remarkable. And who have the drive to make something.
We’re bringing these people together to work on products that give you that feeling of a thousand small people jumping up and down inside you screaming with joy. Though I’m not sure my co-founder would describe the last bit like that, that’s what happens in me when I get all excited about work and it happens quite a lot.

The idea behind what we’re about is simple. We believe that the more passionate you are about what you work on and the more ownership as well as direct reward you get from working on it, the more you will care and the better the end result will be. And all of that helps create an incredibly rewarding, fun and creative place to work. It’s a longer term vision and not something we’re going to make happen over night. As with everything you need to start somewhere and in our case it’s with the products that we have a one liner about on our holding page.

As many people who I talk to and learn from who are working on a startup are finding out, there are a million and one things to do besides working on your products. Today I’ve let most of those million and one things be and focused on one of our products. I’ve reviewed what we’ve done so far. Searched the web for inspiration and information and as a result made a few changes. And I can’t tell you how good it feels to be properly back to doing again.

Tomorrow – Day 248 | Someone else launching a similar product

Image: Title slide from our company presentation deck

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