ux | work | life matters

Day 242 | Another trip back home

The last time I jumped on a plane to Sweden it was the early morning the day after the closing ceremony of London 2012 Olympics. Today, as the Paralympics Opening Ceremony was just about to start I boarded another plane back to Sweden.

Outside my ambition to make ideas happen, or as part of as it’s all really interlinked, I’ve started to get a working situation in place where I can be more flexible and spend more time at home in Sweden. I’d like to be a bit involved in the UX and startup scene both there and in Copenhagen. It’s not a strategy to shift away from London but a way to get inspired and ensure I’m as happy with my life situation as I can be.

Sweden is such a big part of me and my friends and family back home are really important. The more I get to see them the happier it makes me. Short stays like this one where I’m over to run a breakfast seminar and then work remotely are perfect. As lovely as it would be to be on holiday that is not what I need or want right now. I want to do. Make and progress and when it comes to Sweden I want to start getting something in place that provides me with a bit more than the feeling of always being over on a visit.

Tomorrow – Day 243 | My first UX related thing in Swedish

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/granpapa/299317857

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