ux | work | life matters

Day 230 | Re-charing the batteries

During the last couple of days I’ve properly relaxed. I’ve slept, spent time with close ones and gone for lots of swims and I can feel the satisfactory tiredness comping over me that stems from slowing down and being out in the fresh air.

A couple years back I had a week at home where it rained and was around 16 degrees the whole time. Not once did I go to the beach and swims weren’t to speak of. I felt deprived of my summer that year and when autumn came I could tell my quota for sunshine and time spent outside was far from filled up. If followed me for the rest of the year.
This year I’ve hit a perfect week to be home. The sun has been shining every day and I’ve hardly been inside at all. As soon as I’ve woken up I’ve opened the door to mum’s garden and walked out onto the decking and the grass. I’ve seen open spaces, fields and the sea and I’ve played around in the water as much as I’ve could. And that more than anything is what recharges my batteries.

Tomorrow – Day 231 | To go offline or not

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/lunds_energikoncernen/5406645365

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