ux | work | life matters

Day 216 | Certain things don’t need a to do list

Search for to do list apps in any app store and you won’t be short on results. It’s one of the most common types of apps and it’s no surprise. In one form or another most of us keep a to do list.

To do lists have a place in most people’s lives. I keep a couple for specific things. The weekly grocery shopping is one and my work to do list another. The latter is a loyal little helper for keeping track of the little things in the day ahead. But there are certain things that never make it to any to do list and today I stumbled over a post that reminded me of just that, how certain things don’t require a to do list and never will.

If you really deeply care about something, you will do it. You will do it without needing a list or a system or a reminder.

Vivek Haldar in his post Productivity porn

Back in September 2011 I wrote a post about how the best ideas don’t go on idea lists. I started the post with this quote which is similar to the one above:

…when you have a really great idea, you get so excited about it you jump up and want to work on it immediately. Your best ideas are ones that you can’t put off until tomorrow. That’s how you know it’s a great idea. The ideas that go on the Idea List are not your best.

From the zenhabit post Toss productivity out

What I like about the above two quotes is that they are great reminders of how we should pay attention to the ideas that we immediately know we don’t need to write down. It’s those that we get an immediate strong response to and, as the first quote says, if we feel strongly enough about them then one way or another we will find a way to make them happen.

Tomorrow – Day 217 | Wearing the right shoes

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/xanxhor/3799615485

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