ux | work | life matters

Day 203 | Ideas, ideas and more ideas

The other night as I was writing one of these posts I had another idea. It was inspired by another idea and something I’ve done a lot of lately, and sprung to mind quite late at night. Together with my persistent cough it kept me awake until past my bedtime.

The further I get into this year the more ideas seem to pop into my head. Ideas that aren’t just “That’s nice” but ideas that I’d love to see realised. Each one fills a current gap and I’d use them if they existed today.

The desire to build something, to have time to work on all of these things, to sit together with brilliant people and discuss, tear them apart and piece them together is growing stronger by the day. And as we approach the end of August it’s not long before my cut off point. For when I take the next leap and up the focus and time spent on our products.

Tomorrow – Day 204 | Week 28 Summary

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/nhuisman/3168683736

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