ux | work | life matters

Day 187 | A detox for the body and mind

Every now and then I feel like doing a full detox, escape to a yoga retreat, cleanse body and mind and start afresh. Get rid of all impurities, go for long runs by the beach or in the forest and clear my head from whatever might be lingering in there.

Yesterday evening we, or rather D, cleaned the whole flat from top to toe. There’s something incredibly satisfying with having a clean house. To get rid of the clutter that is lying around and bring out shiny, open surfaces. A messy desk, or flat if I’m working from home, distracts me. As a result there’ll be a sudden throw away and sorting of papers that have piled up on my desk at work, or you’ll see me cleaning the flat in the early morning or late the night before if I’m working from home. Particularly if it’s on something more complex. Once the desk or flat is cleared my thoughts seem to flow more free and I’m ready and full of energy to tackle whatever problem I’m working on.

In the same sense that cleaning the flat or the desk can provide me with both calmness, a clear head and motivation, I imagine that doing a detox and starting a healthier diet afterwards with less sugar and coffee might do the same. I’ve never done an actual detox but D started doing one today.
I wanted to join in but with current commitments at work we agreed it wouldn’t be a wise thing. Take my coffee away at the moment and the headaches will come. Take my food as well and you’ll meet a grumpy and tired Anna. Not the most constructive, or productive for the fast paced project I’m on. But after the last few months, particular with the rain meaning taking the tube rather than cycling to work I do feel a detox, or at least healthier eating, will do me some good. And I’m looking forward to hearing what D’s experience is with the detox.

Tomorrow – Day 188 | Collaboration, logic, stress testing & the little details

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/david_a_lea/3327433931

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