ux | work | life matters

Day 153 | The importance of good relationships

In order to do our job as IAs and UX designers properly we need not only to have good and close relationships with the teams we work with but also the clients who’s products we’re designing. Without those, selling our ideas are all the harder, no matter how good they are.

A lot of what we’re doing is about building trust. Trust with the internal team that we’re working together not against each other, and trust with the product owner or client that we know what we’re talking about and do understand their business and needs.
But the good relationships are not only a necessity for a productive working environment. It’s what makes for a good and enjoyable one. And presenting to a client that is appreciative is always a lot more enjoyable and constructive than presenting to one who you know will never say thank you but just search for things that could have been better. Fortunately I’ve had very few of the latter but many of the former and I’m sure it’s made me do better work for them. They make you want to go the extra mile where as the other ones… I wouldn’t do an all nighter for them. That’s for sure.

Tomorrow – Day 154 | Sleep, sleep, sleep

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/fuzzylittlemanpeach/4566886303

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