ux | work | life matters

Day 107 | My ideal summer

The other day I was talking to one of my brothers on Skype and we were chatting about plans for the summer. As we talked I started creating a picture in my head of how lovely it would be to have some time off from freelancing during the summer and be able to concentrate on byflock.

Last summer I didn’t have a single week’s holiday, something I’m not repeating this year. With some time already booked off for my dad’s birthday and with the Olympics, I’m playing with the idea of taking a couple more weeks out and treat myself to alternating a bit of holiday with working days from cafees, parks, beaches and at home. Both here and in Sweden. That’s what I’d like. Flexibility to work from where I want and to be able to adjust the day to the weather. Perhaps a morning working hard followed by an afternoon down by the beach. A few more hours of work and then a BBQ and a cold drink in the evening. Now that is my ideal summer this year. And I guess – why not?

Tomorrow – Day 108 | A few things out of the way

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/84926615@N00/5942510317

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