ux | work | life matters

Day 043 | Week 6 summary

Contrary to last week that saw little progress this week has been full of it starting out with deciding on a name and then this weekend making real progress with the research and sketching out the ideas

The name

Finding a name is easier than finding one that also have an available domain name and social media profile names. Yellow and I shared ideas of potential names in a spreadsheet and whilst I was in Sweden Yellow came up with a one that we both really liked. On Monday when we met up we looked into availability on social media as well as domain name and the outcome was positive.

Reflections and expectations

With the name down a peace of mind has settled and we’ve been able to start progressing branding work and move on with the plan of things that needs to get sorted before SXSW. But with the sheer amount of work that needs doing in very few weeks, some reflections and realisations have also sunk in with regards to the challenges that working on a startup is posing on your personal life. The main one being setting expectations.

It’s not physically possible to do everything and something’s got to give and for me this spring that’s taking out full weekends for friends and family visits. As much as I love them they have to wait and as much as I don’t like to say it I have to, or it will eat away on my energy and mind.
I will however, make this work in terms of finding the balance and the more I read about the challenges of starting and running a startup, rather than scaring me it’s making me motivated.

Nudges and hints

The other thing that this week has really brought in is how life yet again has a funny way of telling you when you’re on the right track. On Tuesday I went along to London IA and met the guys I’m going to SXSW with. I’m incredibly grateful for having met these people and can’t wait to spend more time with them over in Austin. The fact that I learnt that the girl I’m travelling with is on the same path as I makes me chuckle. I guess life had a little plan when we ended up deciding to share accommodation in Austin, travel together as well as stop in NYC on the way back.

Actual work

In terms of actual work, recovering from a soar throat and cough has meant a quiet weekend for me where I’ve been able to get my head down into the research of NDAs, business plans as well as sketching up the ideas. It’s been lovely and as I said to my mum yesterday, it’s a lot of fun.

Tomorrow – Day 044 | Making a mark

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