ux | work | life matters

Day 037 | Making a plan

I’ve just come back from meeting Yellow and I’m pleased to say that we now have a name.

The name search, illness and my trip to Sweden were the reasons why little tangible progress was made last week. As I mentioned yesterday there are a lot of prep work to be done in the next month before I’m off to SXSW and having a name is critical to a large part of the tasks. Now that the name is down we can start working on a logo and visual identity. Once that is done – business cards and keynote template.

There are also a couple of formal documents to prepare and proposition statements to be written, all requiring the name and the company to be registered. Tonight we had a further conversation on the formalities of things and it’s continuously reassuring that we are on the same page on how to approach as well as deal with it.

All of the above together with quite a few others are in a draft list of what we need to get done in the next month. This list will now take a more formal shape as well as branch off into separate project plans. As for the bit that we’re really looking forward to, we’ve also talked about when we’ll start to give everyone a taste of what we’re up to and it won’t be that much longer.

Tomorrow – Day 038 | Setting expectations

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/abnetsel/4647448486

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