ux | work | life matters

Day 013 | Can I work please?

It’s Friday evening and I’m about to go meet an old colleague for a drink. I’m thrilled it’s the weekend. The lie ins, our morning runs, the long breakfasts with the day’s first coffee – that’s something I look forward to all week. But, I’m also really excited about working some more.

The weekend won’t just be all work but right now I really wouldn’t have minded if it was. I’m in that phase when you just want to get stuck in properly. When all you want to do is do some more.

But I guess that’s a good sign, when you’re so excited about what you do that you just want to keep on working. When you wish the day had double the hours, not so you could get everything on your to do list done, but so you could do more of what you love. Then you’re on to something.

During this week I’ve seen more people than normal talking about side projects. Perhaps I’m just paying more attention to these sort of things at the moment, but either way it’s great to see.
I included a lovely quote from Bokardo in my post Love what you do and do what you love but it’s worth repeating:

The people I admire most are the people doing what they love everyday because there is no separation between work and play. Their life is a constant playground. That’s what I’m striving for and I think the path is relatively straight-forward: find what you love and double-down on it.

– Bokardo on why you should find what you love

Happy weekend everyone.

Tomorrow – Day 014 | Beautiful work

Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/venosdale/6631650797/

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