ux | work | life matters

Day 004 | Planting seeds

Over the years I’ve worked with some great people. People I’d love to work with again, for their brilliance and high standard of work. For being genuinely lovely people and because we work really well together.

I know I can trust these people (let’s call them ‘Blue’) and I know we can have honest and at times full on but still constructive discussions. Some of my best working days have been with them, quite often away from the desk, working collaboratively armed with pens, papers and laptops.

I’m slowly starting to speak to people from Blue about what their thoughts are for the future, how and what they would like to work on. I’ve also mentioned some of my ideas in passing to a few from Blue (let’s call them ‘Yellow’) and as I start to properly research and scrutinise these ideas, I’m also sharing more of my thoughts with Yellow. I value their opinions immensely and I know they’ll say what they really think. Good or bad. And who knows, perhaps we can even work together again in the future.

Tomorrow – Day 005 | Research, research, research

Image taken in La Fortuna, Costa Rica

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