ux | work | life matters

Day 354 | Building the future that you want

As I’ve now gone from co-founder to founder and taken some time off to really progress things, the thought of what I actually want to create is ever more important and constantly at the back of my mind.

I’ve always planned ahead and had a fairly good idea of what I want and if nothing else how I don’t want it. That has in turn has driven a vision of the type of situation I want to be in. I don’t believe that there is much benefit in over thinking things. Sometimes you need to jump in feet first with a gut feeling that things are going to go the way you want. There’s nothing stopping you from jumping in without it but having something to go on as a guide that you are on the right track definitely helps, and at times it’s better if that is more than a gut feeling but a clearer goal to steer towards.

Over the last few days I’ve worked a bit on the strategy for byflock as a company. On a clear messaging around what we are about and also a clear messaging in how we behave and what we communicate online. It’s a little bit scary and not as easy now that it’s just me as a founder. I prefer to be able to have someone to bounce ideas with, not the least as saying it out loud often makes me realise what I actually want and whether I think something is a good idea. But also because deep down I’m a person who prefers creating something with others rather than work on things on my own.

The fact that I’ve lost my co-founder as a business partner due to a realisation that starting a company like byflock wasn’t right for him, has made me a bit more cautious. Though being a sole founder has its drawbacks, the benefit is that it’s easier to make decisions and progress things as you on your own are the one making the big decisions. At least in the beginning before a board etc is involved. And with that in mind I’m working through and ensuring that I have it clear in my head, that the vision for byflock and the future I hereby am trying to create, is right. After all I’m the one now responsible for pulling the full teams together. Who will be having the conversations with people explaining what byflock and our products are about. I’m the one who needs to sell it in and in order to do so I need to know what it is that we are about and also where I see us now and in the future. It doesn’t need to be clearly cut and answerable in every sense, but it does need to be clear enough so that those I talk to know whether byflock is something they want to be a part of.

Tomorrow – Day 355 | Revisiting our company presentation

Image source: www.flickr.com/photos/byte/8282578241

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