ux | work | life matters

Day 285 | Creating the perfect opening

The picture above is of a small cat flap we found across from a restaurant up in Nolita on Manhattan. It’s for Thomas the Cat and, by the looks of it, made specifically for him.

Though most of the physical doors we walk through come at a standard size, at least when it comes to our homes, there is no one size fits all when it comes to creating the perfect opening in a work situation. Contrary to a normal door some will find an opening too small and some too big. Creating the right opening has to be done around the individual you work with or that you want to attract. Though the “frame” so to speak can be made to fit the majority, what surrounds it on both sides needs to be done to fit the person, or the kind that you want to attract.
One of the quotes I love the most and have pinned on by Wise words board on Pinterest is this one:

Everybody is a genius.
But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

– Albert Einstein

With the right setup everyone is able to show their genius side but far too often work environments or management styles prevent people from coming to their true right. I’ve never been of the quiet kind and have argued my case when I thought a promotion was overdue and in order. But not everyone will speak up for themselves and often the quiet ones are mistaken from being less good at what they do and as result not being given the right opportunities or environment to show their true colours. And it’s a real shame because it doesn’t take much. Without the paint and the name sign the cat flap in the picture may just be a normal cat flap. But with a bit of extra attention it was made to be special. Special for Thomas the cat.

Tomorrow – Day 286 | Falling behind

Image: Cat flap found in Nolita

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